Through Scholastic Book Clubs ClassroomsCare Program and the Rainforest Alliance’s Adopt-A-Rainforest Program, 100 Acres of Rainforest Will Be Conserved and Specially Named in Honor of ClassroomsCare!
The Scholastic Book Clubs ClassroomsCare Reserve is made up of 100 acres of rainforest located along the northern coast of Ecuador. This area is known as the Chocó Forest.
Since the 1900s the Chocó Forest has faced many threats due to the growth of agriculture along the coast. While the forest once extended to an estimated 30,888 square miles (80,000 square kilometers), only six percent remains. When your class reads 100 Books, you will be showing your support of this important initiative to conserve 100 acres of the Chocó Forest.
The Chocó Forest supports an estimated 9,000 plant and animal species, including more than 800 bird, 235 mammal, and 210 reptile species. Some of the amazing animals that live there include black howler monkeys, red-eyed tree frogs, and jaguars.
Red-Eyed Tree Frog
The Chachi farmers who live in the Chocó Forest rely on its amazing natural resources for food, medicine, and fuel.The Chachi farmers are known for growing cacao beans, in harmony with the forest, which are used to make chocolate.
Cacao Beans
Learn more about the Chocó Forest.
Learn more
about the
Rainforest Alliance
Click a grade below to view classroom activities about
the rainforest!