Adaptation (ad-ap-
A change through natural selection that allows a living species
to survive within an environment
Archipelago (ar-kuh-pel-uh-goh)
A group of small islands
Carapace (kar-uh-pace)
The hard upper shell of certain animals like turtles and tortoises
Classify (klass-uh-fye)
To put things into groups according to their characteristics
Evolution (ev-uh-loo-shuhn)
The changes in species over thousands of years or longer
Fossil (foss-uhl)
The remains or traces of an animal or a plant from millions
of years ago that are preserved in rocks
Habitat (hab-uh-tat)
The place and natural conditions in which a plant or an animal
Paleontology (pale-ee-uhn-tol-uh-jee)
The science that deals with fossils; someone who studies paleontology
is called a paleontologist
Species (spee-sheez)
Members of the same group that can mate and produce children
or offspring
Subspecies (sub-spee-sheez)
A population of a species with traits that make them distinct
from the larger group