Aniamals, Adaptation, and the Galapagos Islands Discover with Darwin
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Can you solve the mystery? Scientists solve mysteries by collecting evidence, making observations, and analyzing similarities and differences. Then they develop theories that explain and predict patterns in nature. By taking careful notes about everything around him and using his creativity and inventive thinking, Charles Darwin was able to consider the evidence and develop his famous theory of evolution through natural selection.

Your challenge: Solve the mystery by examining the evidence.
Solve the Mystery
Can you unlock the secret?
Do you know how outside forces have changed the Galápagos?
Biodiversity (bye-oh-duh-vurs-it-ee)
The rich variety of life on earth: “bio” means “life,” and “diversity” means "variety."

DNA (dee en ay)
The molecule that carries the genetic code that gives living things their special characteristics

Ecosystem (ee-koh-siss-tuhm)
A community of animals and plants interacting with their environment

Extinct (ek-stingkt)
A species of animal or plant that is no longer living

Heredity (her-red-uh-tee)
The passing on of traits from parents to children through the genes

Mutant (myoot-uhnt)
A living thing that has developed a new characteristic different from its parents’ genes. Mutations are rare.

Natural Selection (nach-ur-uhl sul-lek-shuhn)
The process in nature where animals or plants better suited to their environment produce more offspring than less well-adapted plants and animals

Trait (trate)
A quality or characteristic that makes one person or thing different from another

Variation (vair-ee-ay-shuhn)
A difference between individuals of the same species

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