Scholastic and AMNH present Scicence Explorations Uncover Lizrards and Snakes: Learn the Story of Squamates Scientist's Top Tips
Exploration Exchange
Backyard Science
Putting It Together
Imagine you’re a curator in charge of creating a brand new exhibit.
Your challenge: Find out about squamates and share what you've learned.
Meet the Squamates
Can you create an exciting new exhibit featuring lizards and snakes? Go
What makes squamates similar and different from other animals? Go
Words To Know
Amniote (am-nee-ote)
A vertebrate — such as a birds, other dinosaurs, mammals, squamates, and turtles, whose life cycle includes development in specialized embryonic membranes and sometimes a hard shell .

Curator (kyoo-ray-tur)
The person in charge of a museum collection

Ectothermic (ek-to-thur-mic)
Ecto means outside and thermic means heat. This is an adjective that describes organisms whose body temperature is determined primarily by the environment. An ectothermic animal may regulate its body temperature by basking in the sun. Ectothermic animals are less accurately referred to as "cold-blooded."

Herpetology (hur-pet-ol-uh-jee)
The study of reptiles and amphibians

Lizard (le-zerd)
A common name for certain limbed and limbless squamates

Reptiles (rep-tils)
A group that includes alligators, birds, crocodiles, squamates, tuataras, and turtles

Snakes (snak)
One group of mostly limbless squamates

Squamata (skwah-mat-a)
A group that includes snakes and lizards

Taxonomist (taks-on-oh-mist)
A specialist at classifying, ordering, and naming evolutionary groups — like animals or plants — based on their evolutionary relationships

Venom (ven-uhm)
Poison produced by many organisms. Venom is usually passed into a victim’s body through a bite or sting.