Flashlight Readers
Flashlight Readers Home

Teacher's Guide
Because of Winn-Dixie
Esperanza Rising
Chasing Vermeer


This online club provides an innovative, interactive literacy experience that invites beginning through advanced-level readers to enter the world of quality books and communicate with favorite authors. Each selected title offers features such as community-building games, activities, author chats, and slideshows, and seamlessly encourages essential reading and writing skills. Teacher and parent support is provided with every featured book to help you support your students in getting the most out of each reading experience.

General Objectives

Students will:

  • Offer observations, make connections, react, speculate, interpret, and raise questions in response to text
  • Identify and discuss book themes, characters, plots, and settings
  • Connect their experiences with those of the author and/or with characters from the books
  • Support predictions, interpretations, conclusions, etc. with examples from text
  • Practice key reading skills and strategies (cause-and-effect, problem/solution, compare-and-contrast, summarizing, etc.)
  • Monitor their own comprehension
  • Discuss ideas from the book with you, the author, and/or other students online
Additional Resources

Parent's Guide to Flashlight Readers
Provide parents with support and suggestions to continue the exploration and learning at home.

Authors & Books
Encourage your students to be motivated readers by interacting with writers in our Visiting Authors Series and exploring our database of author and book information.

Flashlight Readers in The Scholastic Storeicon
Grab great books and more to light up your Flashlight Readers.
