You signal to your dogs to race in the other direction, and they obey. But you still don't see any markers. That map—were you holding it upside down? Your dogs pull you farther into the snowy wildnerness before you realize that you're lost. Retracing your path, you retreat to the fork and let your dogs pick the direction—next time, you'll trust your dogs in a storm!

You're on your way toward the Unalakleet checkpoint. It seems like you've been on this trail forever. You've come 900 miles already—only 222 miles to go. To get to the checkpoint, you sled through a valley along some coastal mountains, a route used for a thousand years by the natives.

But you're getting tired. Do you pull over and take a quick doze? Or do you head for the toasty Tripods Flats cabin nearby and get a good sleep?