You grab a quick nap and you're off again. No time to lose!

The stretch from White Mountain to Topkok checkpoint is one of the most dangerous parts of the race. It's icy and windy, and the roads are covered with sand, gravel, and huge drifts of snow (of course). You checked the weather forecast with the locals and learned that conditions would worsen by mid-afternoon, so you left the checkpoint before sunrise.

You've ridden over a series of ridges and taken a steep path down to a chilly beach when you spot another musher on the side of the road. Snow has piled up in his sled, and you realize he's been there for awhile.

"Would you give me a hand?" he calls out to you. "I slid down here and I'm stuck!" There's only one checkpoint left before the finish line. Do you help him, or do you head straight for Nome?