Revolutionary War: Arts and Crafts activity

Quill Pen and Ink

During colonial times, people made their writing materials by hand out of natural materials. Try this out and see how it feels to write with an old-fashioned quill pen!

Large feathers (feathers from a peacock or pheasant are best)
Scissors or pen knife
10 walnut shells
1 cup water
½ teaspoon vinagar
½ teaspoon salt
Old cloth or rag
Small jar with lid

* Make sure to get a grown-up's permission to use the stove!
** Don’t do this craft if anybody involved is allergic to nuts!
Wrap the walnut shells in the cloth and then use the hammer to smash them into small pieces. Put the crushed shells and water into the saucepan; bring it to a boil, then turn down the heat and let it simmer for 45 minutes, or until the liquid turns dark brown. Most of the water will evaporate.

Let the ink cool, then strain it into a jar and add vinegar and salt. This will preserve the ink. Use your scissors or a pen knife to cut the end of the feather so it’s on an angle – then dip the feather into the ink and start writing!