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GO Solve Word Problems delivers anchored instruction, guided, and adaptive practice
to help students build math problem-solving skills and achieve mastery.

Tools to Transfer Problem-solving Skills to Other Contexts
How Can Your Classroom Be Ready, Set, GO?

The GO Solve Word Problems System

The GO SOlve Word Problems System
  • 1. Anchored Instruction

    Engaging animations instruct students in each mathematical situation and help students build mental models of word problems through graphic organizer representations.
  • 2. Guided Practice

    Interactive activities break down the problem-solving process and progressively build understanding through step-by-step practice.
  • 3. Adaptive Practice

    Students practice solving math problems in adaptive sessions that adjust the difficulty of the problems based on each student's performance. Repeated exposures build fluency with recognizing each mathematical situation. Additional learning supports include: hints, calculator, notebook, and personalization.

Tools to Transfer Problem-solving Skills to Other ContextsGO Pads

GO Pads: Graphic Organizer sheets encourage students to organize their thoughts and calculations on paper when solving practice problems inside and outside of the program.

Student Exercises: These activities deepen students' understanding of word problem situations and challenge students to think critically. In these exercises students examine problems, sketch organizers, and write their own problems.

How Can Your Classroom Be Ready, Set, GO?

Go Solve Word Problems blends whole-class, group, and individualized instruction, for flexible implementation in any classroom. Students efficiently build robust problem-solving skills over 30 minute sessions, 1-2 times a week, in less than 2 months.

  • Whole-class use: With an interactive whiteboard or projector teachers can lead the class through the Anchored Instruction animations and engage everyone in discussion.
  • Paired use: In the Guided Practice sessions, students can tackle problem solving together in pairs.
  • Individual use: Students can work independently on word problems in the Adaptive Practice.

Depending on your school's curriculum and infrastructure this implementation can be customized to fit your needs.