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Kids USA Survey
Censorship—Is it necessary?

Do you think that censoring books, magazines, and the Internet helps protect kids? Why or why not? Now’s your chance to speak out on this hot-button issue. Print out the ballot below and vote with your class. Compare your class results with the results of the nationwide survey.

Censorship Survey

Please write the number of girls who voted for each option in the field marked "Girls," and the number of boys who voted for each option in the field marked "Boys."

1. Do you think censorship protects kids from material that is inappropriate for them?
girls boys
yes yes
no no
2. Which, if any, of the reasons below do you think are good reasons to censor books, magazines, or Web sites? (You can pick as many as you like.)
girls boys
Bad language Bad language
Graphic violence Graphic violence
Racism Racism
Sexism Sexism
Pornography Pornography
None None
other other
Please specify:
Please specify:

3. Which of the statements below do you agree with?

The government and/or school system should censor material that is inappropriate for kids.

girls boys

Writers, editors, and TV and film producers should censor themselves by not producing material that is inappropriate for kids.

girls boys

Kids should be able to decide for themselves whether something is appropriate for them or not.

girls boys

Only parents should decide whether something is inappropriate for their children to see.

girls boys

Now that you're done with your offline vote, compare your class tally with the results from the nationwide survey.

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