Kids USA Survey Home

"Environment" Survey Results

What will be the biggest environmental challenge in the twenty-first century?


  1. Did kids from the different regions agree on what the most important environmental challenge will be? If not, what was the top choice from each area?

  2. a. What did kids pick as the number one most important environmental challenge?
    b. What percentage of all the kids who voted chose this as the number one most important issue?

  3. Did kids from the four different regions agree on what the LEAST important challenge will be?

  4. In what region was the vote nearly exactly split over what the most important issue will be? How many and in what percentage did kids from this region vote each way?

Check out the answers.

The results:
* Is the government doing enough to protect the environment? (Results by gender)
* What will be the biggest environmental challenge in the twenty-first century? (bar graph by region)
* What is the most important thing kids can do to protect the environment? (Results by grade level)