Kids USA Survey Home

"All About Families" Survey Results

Results Graphic


Exactly 214 boys and 214 girls responded to this survey question.

  1. Of the students who voted for their mom as the person they confide in, how many more are girls?
    Of the students who voted for their dad as the person they confide in, how many more are boys?

  2. After their mom and dad, who do boys confide in most? Who do girls confide in?

  3. Who do you think is more likely to confide in an aunt -- a boy or a girl? Who do you think is more likely to confide in an uncle -- a boy or a girl? Justify your answers using information from the graph.

Check out the answers.

Check out the Charts:

* Family Members Students Confide In
* Family Members Students Confide In (by Gender)
* How Students Spend Time with Family (by Grade)
* Time Students Spend in Conversation with Family (by Region)