Book-Based Skill Builders

I Am Special!
based on I Like Myself!
by Karen Beaumond and Illustrated by Davie Catrow
Grades: K–3
and print the student activity sheet (PDF)
About the Book
This is a delightfully illustrated rhyming book in which the main character knows she is different and special and that�s what makes her so wonderful! The pictures and words will make each reader smile and feel good about being an individual. The students will surely want to read this story again and again!
Set the Stage
Get the students ready to read by discussing the front and back covers.
- Read the title, author and illustrator. Talk about the picture and ask them the way they think they will feel while reading this book.
- Look on the back cover of the book and study the picture. Let the students predict what the story is going to be about.
- Read the story once and then again talking about each picture. Allow students to check their predictions.
After reading the book, discuss the following with the class:
- How did you feel while reading this book?
- Sometimes authors write books with a message or to help you learn something from the story. What was the author�s message she wanted to send to you?
Student Activity
Students will complete sentences that will describe what makes them special. You can add to this activity by asking students to draw a picture of one thing that makes them special and share it with the class.
Related Activities
To extend students� enjoyment of the book, try these:
- �Glad to Be Me� Celebration: In this book, the main character shows the readers that it is great to be whoever you are. Have a �glad to be me� celebration. Ask the students to think about what makes them special and what makes them glad to be who they are. Let them draw a picture of that trait or special thing, and they can either write words with their pictures, or you can write what they say. Bind the pages to make a class book. Read the book to the class while you enjoy a small snack together.
- Rhyme Time: The words in this story rhyme. Go back through the book and let the students take turns pointing to the rhyming words. Write the rhyming pairs on chart paper or sentence strips.
Let the students think of other rhyming words that could go with each pair. Record their responses.
- Comparing Stories: Read another �feel good� book that focuses on character development such as Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon. Compare and contrast the stories and record the students� responses on bulletin board or butcher block paper.
- Graph Your Class!: Look at the students� differences and likenesses in your class. Make a class graph of hair color, eye color, hair texture (straight, curly or wavy), skin color, etc. Talk about your graph and celebrate the differences and likenesses.
Lesson Developed by Kelley Raybon
Kelley Raybon has been teaching elementary school for 20 years. She is currently a curriculum resource teacher at an elementary school. She earned a Bachelor�s and Master�s degree in Elementary Education from the University of Central Florida in Orlando.

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