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Mission: Define Your Future
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Lesson 2: Be a Submarine Engineer

Goals: Learn the principles of kinetic energy (the energy of motion) and develop an understanding of how they relate to daily activities in students’ lives

Time Required: 40 minutes

Materials Required: Be a Submarine Engineer Student Reproducible 2 (PDF); Resource Sheet 2 (PDF); pinwheel, sink, and “turbine” building supplies, such as craft sticks, straws, tape, etc.

1. Have students look around the classroom and identify objects in motion (e.g., fan, clock, hands being raised). Review the definition of kinetic energy (the energy of motion). Have students determine a source of the kinetic energy they see at work in the classroom (e.g., the clock arm is powered by a motor, which is powered by a battery).

2. Distribute Be a Submarine Engineer Student Reproducible 2.

3. Organize the class into pairs. Have students complete the experiment by following the steps of the scientific method. As students engineer a turbine that spins, remind them that the experiment is demonstrating kinetic energy.

4. As a class, compare and discuss the findings of each student pair.

Have students reflect on the experiment by writing a scientific synopsis of how the experiment demonstrates kinetic energy.