Lesson 1: Vocabulary & Writing

Language Arts Objectives: Develop vocabulary and writing skills; use descriptive words to convey basic ideas

Health Extension: Learn about colds and how to stay healthy

Time Required: 30 minutes

Materials Needed: Reproducible Activity Growing with Words (PDF); pencil and/or crayons or colored pencils


  1. Engage students in a discussion about the word cold: Who has ever had a cold? How did you feel? (Note: Guide students to discuss the word cold in terms of being sick, as opposed to feeling chilly.)
  2. Write the word cold on the board. Have students provide words that relate to cold. Following the format displayed on the reproducible, write answers on the board, branching off from the central word, cold. To help students, ask: What words describe how a cold makes you feel? (sleepy, achy, etc.) What words describe what happens when you have a cold? (sneeze, cough, etc.) Who helps you when you have a cold? (mom, doctor, baby-sitter, etc.)
  3. Discuss with students: See all the new words we've discovered by starting with just one word! Now try another, healthy. Ask: Who can come up with words about healthy? (Definition of healthy: When you feel fit and well) Possible words: (strong, running, happy, etc.) Ask, What do you do to stay healthy? (eat vegetables, wash hands before eating, exercise, sleep, etc.)
  4. Distribute Activity Growing with Words (PDF). Guide students to write down words in the circles that relate to healthy.

Extension Activity

Share the following student health tips. After hearing these tips, what additional words can students think of that are related to health?

Health Tips for Students

  1. Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 10–15 seconds before and after meals and snacks.
  2. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. Then, wash your hands.
  3. Get at least eight hours of sleep each night.
  4. Exercise for fun at least 30 minutes a day.
  5. Eat three meals a day. Never skip breakfast—it gives you energy to start the day.
  6. If you're not feeling well, let an adult know.