Ready-to-Go Resources
Light the Spark: Encouraging Self-Esteem and Success in Kids with Learning Difficulties

The activities included in this Teaching Guide are based on activities found on™ In order to put these materials to the best use for your individual classroom(s), we encourage you to visit the website prior to distributing them to your students.

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OBJECTIVE: To encourage students to reflect on their strengths and interests; to facilitate self-awareness

MATERIALS: BrainStorm reproducible (PDF); chart paper; marker; access to (go to Spark 2 Spark under the "Connect" menu)

ACTIVITY LEAD-IN: Share a few of your favorite hobbies with students, then ask what they like to do in their spare time. Record their answers on chart paper. Discuss how everyone's brain is unique and how, as a result, each person has their own skills and interests. Tell students they will be creating a "picture" of their brain that reflects their own special skills and talents. Hand out the BrainStorm reproducible, one per student.

1. Have students record their interests and hobbies on the BrainStorm reproducible. Guide them to record at least one thing they are interested in or good at.

2. In the middle of their brain, have kids draw a picture or paste a photo that represents themselves or their interests.

3. If appropriate, encourage students to share a hobby or interest with the class. As students share their hobbies, point out skills used in each activity (e.g., physical strength, social skills, patience, planning, etc.).

4. Have students check out the BrainStorms of kids at by going to Spark 2 Spark, clicking on a Screen Name, then clicking the VIEW BRAIN button in the upper left-hand corner.


Registered members of can go to BrainStorm to create a brain reflecting their hobbies, interests, and likes, and then save them so other kids can see.

Some of the resources on this page are in PDF format. To download them, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader Software.

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