Ready-to-Go Resources
Light the Spark: Encouraging Self-Esteem and Success in Kids with Learning Difficulties

The activities included in this Teaching Guide are based on activities found on™ In order to put these materials to the best use for your individual classroom(s), we encourage you to visit the website prior to distributing them to your students.

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2 Cubed
OBJECTIVE: To help kids recognize the many kinds of knowledge we all have; to facilitate recognition and foster self-esteem

MATERIALS: 2 Cubed Game reproducible (PDF); chart paper; markers; tape; scissors; access to (go to 2 Cubed under the "Connect" menu)

ACTIVITY LEAD-IN: Explain to students that trivia refers to fun facts that may seem unimportant but can be very useful and interesting. Provide a few examples of trivia facts. Hand out the 2 Cubed Game reproducible, one per student (provide additional copies if students write more than one question).

1. Have each student complete a Trivia Card on the reproducible. Follow the directions on the reproducible.

2. Divide the class into two teams and collect all papers for each team into two separate piles.

3. Draw a tic-tac-toe grid on chart paper.

4. Instruct each team to choose a representative. Take turns asking each representative questions written by the other team. With the help of teammates, the representative should choose an answer. One team will be "X," the other team "O." If the answer is correct, the representative, with the help of teammates, should select where their team's "X" or "O" will be placed on the tic-tac-toe grid.

5. After the game, review with the class what new trivia they learned.

6. Have students log on to and play 2 Cubed (explain that 2 Cubed is an online trivia game that they play one-on-one with an opponent).


Tell students that registered members can create avatars (online characters) of themselves in 2 Cubed.

Some of the resources on this page are in PDF format. To download them, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader Software.

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