Max Math's Adventure

Extra Challenges
Here are some more challenges for you to try. The more red dots, the harder the challenge.
  1. Grab two different-sized handfuls of coins and put them down. Guess how many coins are in the first pile. Then count them to see how close your guess was. Now estimate how many coins are in the second pile. Count that pile. Was your second guess closer than your first?
    Difficulty Level:

  2. Fill three different-sized jars with the same object (e.g., pennies, cubes, counters, etc.). Estimate how many objects are in the first jar. Count the objects to see how many are inside. Estimate how many are in the second jar. Again, count the objects to see how close your estimate is. Finally, guess how many are in the third jar. Was your third estimate the closest one?
    Difficulty Level:

  3. Estimate how many steps it will take to walk across the classroom.
    Estimate: __
    Walk across the classroom and count how many steps it takes.
    How many steps?

    Estimate how many hands will fit across your desk.
    Estimate: __
    Count how many hands fit across your desk.
    How many hands? __

    Estimate how many foot-lengths (your own feet) you think your friend is.
    Estimate: _
    Ask your friend to lie down. Walk beside her, and count how many feet long she is.
    How many? __

    Difficulty Level:

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