Max's Math Adventure

  Max's Math Adventures

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Max and Ruthie build a card castle
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It began this way, on a cold, rainy day
The house was dark with gloom.
We were stuck inside, when Ruthie cried,
“Let’s build a castle in your room!”


Card Castle Addition

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After a bowl of cereal
We gathered material
And laid decks of cards on the floor.
In just over an hour
We built a mighty card tower
That reached to the top of the door.

But we didn't stop there,
That wouldn't seem fair—
A big castle is much more appealing!
We moved through the halls
Adding taller walls
Until our castle reached the ceiling.

We built card by card
Out into the yard,
‘Til we created a giant skyscraper.
We kept going faster
Until the disaster.
(Remember, this was all made of paper!)

You see, a dog named Rover,
Kicked the castle over
And the 14 floors crashed to the dirt.
When it hit the ground,
It made a dreadful sound.
It was awful, but no one was hurt.

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Now that the castle is gone,
We look out on the lawn
And think about re-building our tower.
If we each build 7 floors,
No less and no more
We'd finish in just a few hours.

But as you may have guessed,
While this might seem best—
There are other ways to add to fourteen.
So here's what to do:
Think of a few
For Ruthie and me.

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Max's Challenge

Name all the different ways you can make 14 using two numbers.

Your First Name:

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Teacher's Guide

List all the ways you can come up with 14 using two number: