Research — The 21st Century Student: The Imperative of Supporting Childhood Resilience

Yale and Scholastic Research Project on Family and Childhood Resilience Executive Summary.

Early Childhood

he body of published research supporting the efficacy of the Reach Out and Read model and chart of developmental milestones of early literacy and what parents can do during these milestones.

ROR Research

The body of published research supporting the efficacy of the Reach Out and Read model and chart of developmental milestones of early literacy and what parents can do during these milestones.

Families As First Teachers

The parental involvement in kid's education is one of the most important factors influencing the education of our children. The Eagle Academy for Young Men shows how their school is committed to parental involvement.

Expanded Learning

Comprehensive research by Afterschool Alliance supporting the benefits of after school programs.

Funding & Legislation Updates

Funding updates aligned towards FACE and legislation facts