Traits of Writing

The Key Qualities Define the Traits in Detail

The Trait Model is a highly reliable and accurate assessment tool. It is also a simple, logical, and—most important—effective tool for planning and carrying out writing instruction.

Each trait is broken down into four key qualities—or core characteristics—that allow you to focus instruction precisely. Key qualities not only help to define the traits in detail and give you concrete concepts to teach, they are also the structural system of the program.

Writing Trait: Ideas


The piece's content—its central message and details that support that message.

The Four Key Qualities of the Ideas Writing Trait
Writing Trait: Organization


The internal structure of the piece—the thread of logic, the pattern of meaning.

The Four Key Qualities of the Organization Writing Trait
Writing Trait: Voice


The tone and tenor of the piece—the personal stamp of the writer—which is achieved through a strong understanding of purpose and audience.

The Four Key Qualities of the Voice Writing Trait
Writing Trait: Word Choice

Word Choice

The vocabulary the writer uses to convey meaning and enlighten the reader.

The Four Key Qualities of the Word Choice Writing Trait
Writing Trait: Sentence Fluency

Sentence Fluency

The way words and phrases flow through the piece. Sentence fluency is known as the auditory trait because it's "read" with the ear as much as the eye.

The Four Key Qualities of the Sentence Fluency Writing Trait
Writing Trait: Conventions


The mechanical correctness of the piece. Correct use of conventions (spelling, capitalization, punctuation, paragraphing, and grammar and usage) guides the reader through the text easily.

The Four Key Qualities of the Conventions Writing Trait
Writing Trait: Presentation


The physical appearance of the piece. A visually appealing text provides a welcome mat. It invites the reader in.

The Four Key Qualities of the Presentation Writing Trait