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Instructor Magazine Writer's Guidelines for Teachers of Grades K—8
Instructor publishes more teachers' bylines each issue than any other educational magazine. We would love to hear from you!

Features: Feature stories of approximately 800 to 1,200 words on timely, relevant topics of interest to K-12 teachers. Articles may cover classroom management and practice, education trends and issues, suggestions for professional development, and in-depth lesson plans and strategy descriptions. Please send the completed article or a query letter in which you describe the article you'd like to write. To get a clear idea of the feature articles we publish, read the features found in three or more recent issues of Instructor.

Activities & Classroom Tips: Do you have an activity that's particularly effective with your students? A great tip for classroom management, organizing your time, or building classroom community? Please share it with us. We're always looking to hear about your classroom successes! Maximum 250 words; color snapshots or samples of students' work that clarify your ideas are helpful.

Theme Units: 400-800 word lesson-planning units on a specific curriculum area or theme. Examples might include a cross-curricular unit on sunflowers, a series of educational activities to celebrate Grandparents' Day, or an extended science lesson on bugs. We particularly seek units that you have tried with success in your own classroom. Again, samples of student work or photographs are helpful.

End of the Day: 400-500 word personal essays about a teacher's poignant, revelatory, even humorous experiences with kids.

General Guidelines
• Read the magazine so you are familiar with our style and our needs. If you would like to order an issue, send $3.00 in the U.S. or $6.00 plus $3.50 for shipping and handling elsewhere to Instructor, P.O. Box 53896, Boulder, CO 80322-3896, or call 800-544-2917.
• As you write, think: How can I make this article most useful for teachers?
• Write in your natural voice, as if you were talking to a colleague. We shy away from wordy, academic prose.
• Let us know what grade/subject you teach and the name and location of your school.
• Make sure your manuscript is typewritten, double-spaced; send only one copy to the appropriate department.
• Print your name and address on the manuscript and on all photos and samples. Include your phone number.
• Enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope.
• Expect a reply from us within 8-12 weeks only if you have enclosed a SASE. Please note that due to the volume of mail we receive, we regret that we cannot reply to "Activities and Classroom Tips" submissions, and materials will not be returned. You will be contacted if we decide to use your activity or tip.
• Send your submission to the attention of the "Features," "Activities," "Theme Units," or "End of the Day" Editor, Instructor, 524 Broadway, New York, NY 10012.

Thank you! We can't wait to hear from you.
