the first day . . .
Make a copy of this list to use before school starts each year.
__ Make bulletin-board
decisions: where to post announcements, menu, and calendar; what kind
of welcome-back
display to make; which boards will be for subject-area work and which
boards students
will design; where to display students’ original work.
__ Set up learning
__ Make signs
for room
__ Prepare
class rolls and permanent records
__ Make class
list to post on door
__ Put your name outside the door
__ Make student name tags for desks or have them make their own
__ Find out
schedules for lunch, gym, art, music, library
__ Obtain supplies
__ textbooks
and supplemental materials
__ plan books
__ storybooks
for read-alouds
__ attendance materials
__ paper
__ construction
__ manila
__ different kinds of tape
__ extra writing paper
__ grade book
__ rubber bands
__ stapler
and staples
__ handwriting paper
__ spare pencils/pens
__ tissues
__ Prepare
packets for students to take home the first day. Include:
__school rules
__bus or transportation rules
__note to parents/request for room-parents
__Check to see which students may be going to special classes
__Check out library books and read-alouds
__Set up a folder for a substitute to use in case of emergency
__daily schedule (fill in as soon as possible)
__seating chart (fill in as soon as possible)
__reproducible activities
__Prepare a file for correspondence from parents
__Prepare a file for faculty bulletins
__Write tentative
lesson plans for the coming week
__Duplicate materials needed for the first few days
__Write your
name and other important information on the board
__Make a checklist for returned forms (can be used later for report cards
and other items)
to top

from Linda Shalaway's book, Learning
to Teach . . . not just for beginners