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Classroom Organizing Tips
Teaching is often about moving kids toward independence. Here are some ways to set up your classroom — from the entryway to the walls — to achieve this goal. By Roe Wrubel

Homework/Attendance Management Table
My homework table is right outside the classroom door. It is always arranged to support each student's independence. The green tray is labeled "Homework," the orange tray "Notes for Roe," and the large basket "Homework Folders." When kids arrive, they independently place clothespins (labeled by name) on the attendance sign and deposit their papers and folder in the appropriate containers. When it's time to go home, they stop by the table to get what they need.

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Roe Wrubel is a third-grade teacher at PS 89 in Manhattan, New York, and the author of Great Grouping Strategies (Scholastic, 2002), a professional book for teachers.