
Valerie Maxwell
Pattonville Heights Middle School
195 Fee Fee Road
Maryland Heights, MO 63043

Mathematics, 7

Click on the questions to hear Valerie Maxwell's interview at the State Teacher of the Year conference. You must have a Real Player to listen to the interview. If you do not have a Real Player, click on the Real Player graphic:

1) What is one thing that needs to change in order to keep quality teachers in the profession?

What is the one tip or suggestion that you wish someone had given to you prior to your first year of teaching?


Valerie Maxwell, 2001
State Teacher of the Year, Missouri
Valerie Maxwell's life in the classroom began when she became a parent volunteer as her son entered the first grade. Her journey led her to middle school, first as reading teacher and now as a mathematics core-subject teacher. Mathematics comes alive for Valerie's students when they figure area and perimeter for a fictitious Backstreet Boys' concert or apply algorithms for percentages to shopping trips. Students are encouraged to discuss current issues or problems, thus enabling them to devote more energy and enthusiasm to mathematics. Community activism has always been a part of Valerie's life, from PTO fundraisers to girl-scout-cookie sales to helping coach a little league team to organizing bake sales and food drives. Valerie's belief in professionalism has led her to enter the process of National Board Certification. She supports the rigorous standards set by the Board, knowing that the process creates respect for the teaching profession.  

Scholastic is the proud corporate sponsor of the National Teacher of the Year Program.