
Michele Forman
Middlebury High School
73 Charles Avenue
Middlebury, VT 05753

Social Studies, 9–12

Click on the questions to hear Michele Forman's interview at the State Teacher of the Year conference. You must have a Real Player to listen to the interview. If you do not have a Real Player, click on the Real Player graphic:

1) What is one thing that needs to change in order to keep quality teachers in the profession?

How do you keep yourself motivated and energized to stay in teaching?


Michele Forman, 2001
State Teacher of the Year, Vermont
Michele Forman, Vermont's Teacher of the Year 2001, teaches history and Arabic language to students in grades 9–12. A National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certified teacher, in 1999 she received the Organization for American Historians' pre-Collegiate Teaching Award. She is a member of her state's Task Force on High School Reform and serves as chair of the College Board's Academic Advisory Committee for History and the Social Sciences. Michele has been a member of the Test Development Committee for the SAT II World History exam and of the Curriculum Task Force for World History Standards at UCLA, helping to write the National Standards for World History. She has conducted courses and workshops for more than a thousand teachers in her state and across the country. She has worked with numerous publishers, creating curriculum materials and editing history texts.  

Scholastic is the proud corporate sponsor of the National Teacher of the Year Program.