INCORE: Conflict Data Service: Internet Country Guides: Russia cds/countries/russia.html
Thorough guide to resources on conflicts and ethnicity within the Russian Federation (chiefly in the Caucasus). Includes databases, news media, papers, and more. From INCORE project on conflict research maintained by the UN Univ. and the Univ. of Ulster.
A Walk Around Brooklyn – Thirteen
This virtual tour of Brooklyn includes historic information on its role in American immigrant experience, an interactive map, panoramic views, and a selection of links to related resources. Web companion to a Thirteen/WNET public television series.
A Scattering of Seeds – The Creation of Canada
This Web site complements a 52-part TV series devoted to Canada's immigrants. Photos, diaries, and oral histories from the early French, Ukrainian, and Irish settlers to the more recent Chinese, Japanese, and Sikh immigrants. In English and in French.
Ellis Island
Information on the Ellis Island Immigration Museum and the American Family Immigration History Center. A search engine finds names and countries of origin from the Immigrant Wall of Honor. Sponsored by the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc.
Map Collections Home Page
Online map exhibit featuring Americana cartographic treasures at the Library of Congress. Organized into sections on cities, conservation and environment, exploration, immigration and settlement, military battles, transportation, and general area maps.
Issues: Immigration
Project Vote Smart provides an array of documents, links, and opinions on immigration. A highly informative educational site.
STLI Table of Contents Page
The National Park Service's virtual tour of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island includes brief histories, photos, statistics, and descriptions of exhibits. There is also information for those planning actual visits.
New York State Archives Home Page
Excellent Web site of the New York State Archives offers a searchable catalog and online exhibits of the archives' collections of documents, photos, and other records, a list of publications, frequently asked questions, and more.
Ellis Island main.html
Outstanding online exhibit devoted to Ellis Island, with facts and figures, photos, audio and video clips, and more. Provided by the History Channel.
Early Films of New York, 1898–1906 nychome.html
Fascinating collection of 45 short films of early New York, including 20 produced by the Edison Company; viewable and downloadable. From the Paper Print Collection of the Library of Congress.
Jane Addams Hull–House Museum Home Page
Web page of the Hull House Museum at the University of Illinois, Chicago, offers information on the museum, with links to biographical and bibliographical materials.
Castle Clinton National Monument
Provided by the National Park Service, this Web site gives extensive information, including detailed visitor information, about Castle Clinton National Monument. Illustrated and linked to related information, the site is educational and useful.
Immigration, Ellis Island immigration_id.html
Images from California Museum of Photography document the arrival of immigrants to Ellis Island.
National Museum of American History
A great Web site to visit whether planning a trip or just taking a virtual tour. Descriptions of the museum, its holds and exhibitions, programs and activities. Provides online exhibits and links to other Smithsonian museums.
Jane Addams janeadams.html
Profile of Jane Addams, with bibliography and list of links to related Web resources. Part of a Web site devoted to women's contributions to social sciences, maintained by Linda M. Woolf, associate professor of psychology at Webster Univ., St. Louis.
Jane Addams whm/bio/addams_j.htm
A biographical essay on Jane Addams, with a portrait photo and suggestions for further reading. Part of a Web section on women's history from the Gale Group, a reference publisher.
New American Studies Web
Links to Web resources in the field of American Studies, organized by categories such as community studies, economy, environment, folklore, gender studies, literature, music, popular culture, race and ethnicity, visual culture, and so on.
American Literary Studies—Emma Lazarus ablit/amerlit/emmalazarus.html
Description of the correspondence of Emma Lazarus held at Stanford University's Green Library. Brief biographical sketch; item descriptions; notes on access policies.