Thirteen-year-old Daniel Radcliffe returns
to his breakthrough role playing young Harry Potter. It's been quite
a year for Daniel. He won the Variety Club of Great Britain's Best
Newcomer Award and Italy's David Di Donatello award for his work
in the first Harry Potter film. Now he's ready for bigger
and better in
The Chamber of Secrets. We caught up with Daniel
and got the inside scoop on the second big-screen Potter adventure.
Here's what he had to say:
Q: What was your favorite scene to film in The Chamber of
Secrets and what else did you learn while making the movie?

here to listen to Daniel's answer.
Q: Did you have to study fencing to prepare for the dueling scene?
Daniel: We basically learned it from [watching] the other
actors. Kenneth Branagh and Alan Rickman were doing it first. Apparently,
there's a certain salute before you start the duel, so that was
quite fun to learn.
Q: How has your life changed in the year between the release
of The Sorcerer's Stone and now?
Daniel: It really hasn't changed that much. People come up
to me on the street and they see my face on 50-foot-high billboards.
I know they sound like big changes, but they're really not as big
as what could have happened. When people come up to me on the street,
I don't mind it because they're really enthusiastic about the film;
they just want to know about the film. It's great!
Q: Is it fun being famous?
Daniel: I don't really consider myself famous. People like
Anthony Hopkins and Robert DeNiro are famous because they're very
experienced and amazing actors. This is only the fourth film I've
been in, so I can't be compared in any way to them, but being on
billboards, that's definitely fun.
Q: What's the best thing that's happened to you in the past year?
Daniel: I think probably [going to] the premiere and doing
the publicity tour. I really like interviews; I'm not just saying
that. I just like the premieres because there's such energy about
Q: How has your relationship with Emma and Rupert developed or
Daniel: I think we've all matured as our characters have,
and I think we're really good friends. We're really, really good
Q: Are you looking forward to reading the fifth book, The
Order of the Phoenix?
Daniel: I'm really looking forward to it. I think that's
going to be a really cool book. The only thing is that I'm worrying
about it being bigger than the fourth book, because if it is like
a 1,000-page novel, I think I might have a heart attack.
Q: Has J.K. Rowling told you about any of the stuff that's going
to be in the book?
Daniel: No, unfortunately not. I kind of want to know, but
then I kind of want it to be a surprise.