Harry Potter

Uh oh, Ron Weasley is up to his old tricks . . . that don't work!
© Nigel Parry/2002 Warner Bros.
Since Rupert Grint landed the role of Ron Weasley, the youngest Weasley brother and best friend to Harry Potter, his life has been on the fast track. Besides being recognized around the world, Rupert received a British Critic's Circle nomination for Best Newcomer. We asked Rupert about the new movie, his fear of spiders, and having his own action figure.

Q: During the time that you weren't filming, did you, Daniel, and Emma keep in touch?
Rupert: We get along really well on the set, but we live far away from each other, so [no, we didn't].

Q: What was your favorite scene to film in The Chamber of Secrets? Rupert: [The] Whomping Willow scene, which is really fun because it's like a theme park ride and I got to drive a car.

Q: How old do you have to be to have a driver's license in England? Rupert: I'm 13 [and you have to be] 17 or 18. At 16 you can drive a motorbike.

Q: What was the most challenging scene to film in this movie?
Rupert: I think coughing up slugs was quite hard. Ron has a scene where he has to cough up these giant slugs. I had this giant slug in my mouth loaded with slime and I spat them out. I think it was plastic. I hope it was plastic.

Q: Did you have more fun making this film as opposed to the last one?
Rupert: Yes, I think so. On the first one, it was my first time on the set and it was quite scary. I know everyone now and we're really comfortable with it.

Q: You and Daniel had to film the scene with the giant spiders, right?
Rupert: We come into the spider's hollow, and then [we meet] Aragog—a spider that is the size of an elephant and really scary because he has these [long] hairs. I'm really scared of spiders. That didn't help my fear at all.

Q: Have people started to recognize you when you're on the street?
Rupert: People recognize me, call me Ron, and ask me questions. It's really cool and weird as well. They usually just ask for my autograph. I've got a signature and everything. It's hard to get used to.

Q: Does Ron have an easier time with his magic spells in this movie?

Rupert: He's worse actually. His wand breaks and he tapes it up. It's just really bad. Every spell he does backfires on him.

Q: Are you really looking forward to the fifth Harry Potter book, The Order of the Phoenix?
Rupert: I can't wait until that comes out. It's going to be cool.

Q: Do you like it that there's a Ron action figure that looks like you?
Rupert: The action figure kind of scares me. It's really scary [to think that] someone's playing with you. It's not real nice.