News Review 2002
Summer Movie Madness
Storyworks Reading Race
• Certificate of Reading Achievement
SuperScience Summer




Certificate of Reading Achievement

For every 10 books you read this summer, you can receive a special Scholastic News Zone Reading Race Certificate of Achievement. It's easy—just follow these steps:
  1. Fill in your name, the titles of the 10 books you have read, and your age in the fields below.
  2. Click the Submit button and you will see the certificate appear on your screen.
  3. Print the Reading Certificate of Achievement.
  4. To create another certificate, or to return to the project, click the Back button on your browser.
Your First Name Only:

Title of First Book:

Title of Second Book:

Title of Third Book:

Title of Fourth Book:

Title of Fifth Book:

Title of Sixth Book:

Title of Seventh Book:

Title of Eighth Book:

Title of Ninth Book:

Title of Tenth Book:
