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Choosing Credible Internet Sources
Supplement your paper-based research with web sources you know you can trust. Just because information is published on the net, doesn't mean it's accurate. Here are some tips on separating the junk from the jewels:
  • .gov means that the site is operated by the government. These sources tend to be credible.
  • .edu means that the site is operated by an educational institution. These sources also tend to be credible.
  • .org means that the site is operated by a non-profit institution. These sources tend to have an obvious bias but are also credible.
  • .com means that the site is "commercial." Be cautious about these. Some, like newspapers and magazines, are highly credible. Others are just unsupported and inaccurate.

Seek out professional-looking sites that deliver content that is well-reasoned, factual, up-to-date, and grammatically-correct.

Some places to start:

The New York Times Upfront

The New York Times

The Washington Post

USA Today

The Library of Congress

National Public Radio

The United Nations

US Government Data and Statistics


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