Community Club
Community Club
Teacher's Guide
Recommended Books
Lesson 1: Read to Learn
Lesson 2: Create a Picture Book
Lesson 3: Community Worker Trading Cards
Additional Resources

Teacher's Guide

Lesson 1: Read to Learn (Grades K–1)

Lesson Introduction
Emergent readers spend a lot of time “learning to read.” In this lesson they will be “reading to learn.” The simple text and photographs along with the audio support introduce young readers to the many and varied workers in their community.

2–3 days (depending upon whether community workers visit the classroom)

Student Objectives
Students will:

  • Read books about community workers
  • Listen to community workers talk about their jobs on- and offline
  • Read and listen to online stories featuring community workers
  • Use photographs to support comprehension
  • Self-assess by completing a quiz



  • Make arrangements for community workers to visit your classroom to talk about their jobs. Ideas include: veterinarian, firefighter, police officer, and restaurant owner
  • Display selected books (see Recommended Books)
  • Bookmark Community Club home page on one or more computers in your classroom
  • NOTE: If students have limited access to computers, print selected Community Club pages for students to read offline and make transparency copies to post on an overhead projector.

Day 1
Step 1: Begin the lesson by reading aloud a book about people who work in the community, such as the ones listed in Recommended Books. The book All About Things People Do by Melanie and Chris Rice, for example, provides an introduction to the world of jobs, filled with full-color illustrations and easy-to-understand information. If you’ve invited a community worker to the classroom to speak, then you may want to read a book or two about that person’s specific job.
Step 2: Prompt a class discussion about the different jobs in a community. Have students brainstorm community workers in their neighborhood. Record their responses on an Idea Web. Then ask them to share what they know about the different workers. Record their responses on circles on the Idea Web that branch from the specific jobs.
Step 3 (optional): Prepare the class for a visit from a community worker by having them brainstorm what they know about the visitor’s job. Jot their responses on a KWL chart. Next, have them think of questions they have for the visitor and write those in the “What I Want to Know” column. Finally, after the visit, have children share what they learned. Write their ideas in the third column, “What I Learned.”

Day 2
NOTE: If you’ve invited community workers visit the classroom, they should come on Day 2 of the lesson. If no workers, move on to Step 1 below.

Step 1: Go to the Veterinarian activity. Read the worker’s title and name. Then click the big, red arrow to begin the first page. Read the first two sentences to model fluency and then demonstrate how to click the speaker icon next to each sentence to hear it read aloud. Next, show how to learn more about the vet’s job by clicking the speaker icon inside the photograph. Point out that the red arrows at the bottom allow them to go back and forth in the story.
Step 2: On the last page of the vet story, show students where to type in their name. Then, read aloud the quiz questions and have volunteers answer them by selecting the correct response. Encourage them to review their answers before clicking the GO button.

Day 3
Step 1: Working individually, have students choose one of the other seven community workers from the Community Club, not including the vet since you used that one as a model.
Step 2: Have students quietly read aloud the story, using the audio support as needed, or to confirm that they’ve read a sentence correctly. Instruct them to click the speakers in the photos to learn more about the job.
Step 3: Upon finishing the story, have students review what they have learned by choosing the correct word to complete each sentence. Immediate feedback is given for both correct and incorrect responses. Students are urged to try again when they've answered incorrectly. Upon successfully completing the activity, students receive a customized badge with the community worker's signature to print out, color in, and wear.

Assessment & Evaluation
Use this rubric to assess students' proficiency with this activity. Evaluate whether students' skills are improving or where they may need additional support or instruction.

Lesson Extensions

  1. From the starting page of each community worker activity, visit the Web Links page related to the community worker they just read about. Help students explore one or more of the sites related to their worker.
  2. Have students read a book from the Recommended Books about the job they just found out about online. Then have them share what they’ve learned about the job — both online and from books — with the rest of the class.
  3. If you’ve invited community workers to visit the classroom, have students write a newspaper article about the visit. Encourage them to answer the questions: Who, What, Where, When, and Why just like a real newspaper reporter.
  4. Have students write thank you notes to all classroom visitors using the correct letter and envelope formats.