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We empower educators on their path of continuous improvement so that they are prepared to fully support the academic, social, and emotional needs of today’s children.


Programs and resources are only part of our commitment to developing confident, independent readers, writers, thinkers, and learners.

Professional Support Every Step of the Way

We recognize the vital role that educators play in motivating and engaging students, modeling effective reading and writing strategies, and personalizing instruction for students' diverse learning needs.

Get Started

“Ten minutes a day of focused silent reading has the potential to change a child’s academic life, and that might, in turn, change her life’s trajectory.”

—Kylene Beers & Bob Probst

Our professional learning specialists and coaches work side by side with your teachers, literacy coaches, and leaders to make the most of independent reading opportunities. With Scholastic, independent learning time is enhanced by the latest research-based strategies and innovative ideas that help teachers master independent learning activities like book talks, mini-lessons, partner reading, and conferring!

To support educators on their journey of continuous professional learning, we offer:


Consultation to help leaders develop a vision, plan, and culture that supports independent reading and learning in and out of the classroom


Interactive courses that help educators maximize their classroom collections and libraries and schedule time for daily independent reading


Job-embedded instructional coaching to model and practice effective ways to implement book talks, mini-lessons, conferring, and interactive read-alouds

Have Questions About Professional Learning?

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To learn more about how we can support you, fill out the form below, email [email protected] , or call 1-800-387-1437 .