More than four decades of peer-reviewed research informs our understanding of reading development and instruction. This large body of scientific evidence is known as the Science of Reading.
Scholastic understands the importance of explicit literacy instruction.
We provide research-based print and digital literacy solutions. Our tools support both whole-class and small-group instruction, as well as independent learning.
Together, we can help every student learn to read, read to learn, and love doing both.
Explore the instructional areas below for targeted solutions to support your classroom needs.
(facts, concepts, cultural information, etc.)
(breadth precision, links, etc.)
(syntax, semantics, etc.)
(inference, metaphor, etc.)
(genres, text features, etc.)
(syllables, phonemic awareness, etc.)
(alphabetic principle, spelling-sound correspondence, encoding/writing, etc.)
learned words, both decodable and non-decodable, enter long-term memory
Programs that Support
Science-based K–3 phonics program that makes explicit, cumulative phonics instruction easier for teachers
Engages children with the skills to flourish as readers, writers, and explorers of the world
Helps students secure the foundational reading skills to become fluent readers with strong comprehension
Help students develop Spanish foundational skills with decodable texts and become confident, independent readers
Promotes vocabulary acquisition and deepen comprehension by teaching words in context across the content areas
Ensures that every student has access to the books they want to read when and where they want to read them
Helps students “crack the code” of the written word, bolstering reading and spelling proficiency, comprehension, and fluency
Relatable magazine articles and activities in print and digital formats that span the content areas
An exciting ELA resource that inspires students to become confident, successful readers
Learning to read with fluency and comprehension requires mastering a set of complex skills that help readers decode and understand words in a text. Skilled teachers, informed and supported by reliable data and effective instructional strategies, can effectively differentiate instruction for children, helping them develop a lifelong love of reading and learning.
In this series we offer practical approaches for applying what we know about the science of reading to classroom instruction.
Julia B. Lindsey’s evidence-backed routines help young readers decode words efficiently so they can spend more energy on comprehending—and enjoying—what they read!
—Jessica Wollman,
SVP, Scholastic Classroom and Library Publishing