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"Environment" Answers

Is the government doing enough to protect the environment? (Results by gender)

  1. 87 percent of girls and 81 percent of boys said that the government was not doing enough to protect the environment.

  2. Is the government doing enough to protect the environment?


  3. 17 percent.
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What will be the biggest environmental challenge in the twenty-first century? (Bar graph by region)

  1. No, kids from the different regions did not all agree on what the number one most important issue will be. Kids from the Northeast and Southeast picked "protecting endangered species" as the most important challenge, while kids from the Central and West regions picked "keeping water and air clean" as the most important challenge.

  2. a. Keeping water and air clean. 1,946 kids voted this way.
    b. 30 percent of kids chose this as the most important issue.

  3. Kids from different regions did not agree on what the LEAST important challenges were any more than they agreed on what the MOST important were. Kids from the Central, Northeast, and Southeast regions said that "where to put garbage" was the least important issue, while kids in the West said that "conserving natural resources" was the least important.

  4. The Southeast. 282 kids — 34 percent — said that "protecting endangered species" was the most important issue, while 281 kids — also 34 percent — said that "keeping air and water clean" was the most important issue.
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What is the most important thing kids can do to protect the environment? (Results by grade level)

  1. No. Kids in grades K–5 and 6–8 said that "recycling" was the most important thing kids could do, while kids in grades 9–12 said that "writing to elected representatives" was the most important thing they could do.

  2. Recycling won the most overall votes, taking 2,788 votes — 30 percent of the overall total.

  3. Buying environmental-friendly products won the least number of votes � 1,163 — which represents 13 percent of the total vote.

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