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Lesson 4: “Extra Credit” Riddles

The front of this poster features a large I SPY puzzle and riddle. The poster can be used in connection with the three previous lessons and the “Extra Credit” riddles.

With the poster, you will be able to: inspire students to describe various objects using level-appropriate vocabulary; ask students to compare one object to another; spark inquisitive thinking; and give students the opportunity to sharpen their capacity for active observation.

Material Needed: Activity 4 (PDF) Student Reproducible

Answers to “Extra Credit” Riddles:
Fabulous Food Groups! [Note: students may count individual slices of bread, carrots, corn, or grapes as individual foods. Sandwich can count toward grain or vegetable groups.] Nine vegetables: broccoli, bean, potato, lettuce, carrot, corn, cucumber, pepper, celery. Two milk products: milk and cheese. Five grains: pasta, bread, bagel, cereal, pretzel. Nine fruits: orange, grapes, peach, pineapple, apple, lemon, watermelon, raspberry, banana. [Note: there are fourteen fruits if kids count the cartoon fruits in the bottom left corner.] Two fruit juices: orange juice, apple juice. Name That Juice! Three healthy drinks: orange juice, apple juice, milk. Have Fun, Be Healthy! Ten kids: girl (with black dress) skipping, two boys stretching, girl bicycling, girl balancing on one foot, boy running with lunchbox, boy dancing, running boy (with orange baseball cap), boy racing his wheelchair, girl taking a giant step.


Fruit: The fruit of a plant is the part that holds the seeds. We eat the skin of some fruits, but we peel off the skin of other fruits. Juices are made from fruit, too.

Vegetables: A vegetable is a whole plant or part of a plant that we eat.

Meat and Beans: Meat is the part of an animal that can be eaten. The meat group also contains beans, fish, eggs, and nuts.

Milk: Milk or milk products such as cheese and yogurt.

Grains: Grains are rice, corn, wheat, and other plants that we eat in cereals and breads.

Healthy: To be healthy is to feel well and not be sick.

Balanced: A balanced diet means that you eat and drink from all food groups every day.

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