Lesson 3: Check It
Time Required: 30 minutes
Materials: Check
It Out Student Reproducible 3 (PDF);
Students will learn the life cycle of a check and understand how
bankers invest money into the community.
- Ask students: What is the difference between paying for something
in cash and using a check? As a class, discuss what students
already know about checks and what happens when they write a
check in a store.
- Distribute Check It Out Student Reproducible 3 to
students. Read through the reproducible with your class. Then
have each student answer the questions at the bottom of the
page on a separate sheet of paper.
- Later, review the answers and answer any remaining questions.
Curriculum Connections
Social Studies: Production, Distribution,
and Consumption
Economics: Decision Making
English: Writing; Communication
Financial Literacy: Money Management;
Savings and Investing; Spending
Photos from top to
bottom: © Rubberball Productions, © Photodisc/Getty
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