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Unit-by-Unit Web Support, 2000 Edition:
Nature Guides (Grade 4, Unit 5)
Here are some of the best Web sites to use while teaching this unit. All of the sites referenced in your Literacy Place 2000 Teacher Editions are also listed here, unless the site no longer exists.
 Week 1
Grand Teton National Park
You can take your students on a virtual vacation to Grand Teton National Park at the American Park Network. (p. T235)
Top of Page San Diego Zoo Postcards
Introduce students to the concept of Internet postcards. Model how to browse the selections and choose the card. Show students the fields for address, subject, and message, as well as the Preview Postcard button. (p. T263)
 Week 2
Native American Mythology
Take your class on a lunar trip via the Internet at The Encyclopedia Mythica. To explore more Native American moon myths, click on Native American Mythology. Or, use the Search function to search for "moon" and explore the lunar legends of various cultures. (p. T279)
  Authors Online: Joseph Bruchac
Author Joseph Bruchac can be found in Scholastic's Authors Online area. (p. T305)
Top of Page Explore the Heritage of Indigenous Peoples
As students click through this Internet Field Trip, encourage them to find vocabulary words used in context. (p. T313)
 Week 3
Kids' Almanac
Students can expand their understanding of the vocabulary words using the Kids' Almanac. Have them look up the words using the Search function, and then read the resulting documents to see the words used in context. (p. T131)
 Week 4
Rain Forests and Conservation
Forge a path through the Internet jungle with these sites related to rain forests and conservation. (p. T373) and
Top of Page Zoom Rainforests
Guide students to ZoomSchool and ask them to find this week's vocabulary words in the text or in the site's glossary. If the words are not in the glossary, students can e-mail the Web editor requesting that the words be added. (p. T409)
 Week 5
American Park Network
You'll find national park Web sites at American Park Network. Have students browse these sites and think about which features are helpful and which could be improved. (p. T420)
Top of Page Park Net
Explain to your students that many places have brochures on the Internet. Encourage children to visit Park Net and compare its contents with that of print travel brochures. (p. T420)
 Week 6


Top of Page
Animal Behavior
Send students to the Internet to research animal behavior. The Web sites for the Birmingham Zoo and the Zoological Society of San Diego are good sources of wildlife information. (p. T437) and
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