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Grade 3 at a Glance

What's Special About Grade 3?
In Grade 3, having achieved fluency, students begin to realize and put to work the full power of the new literacy skills. They read books with chapters, draw on a range of sources for information, write for a variety of purposes, and create in a range of formats. It's at Grade 3 that students discover that books are not only friends, but helpers.

Program Components
Literacy Place Grade 3 contains the following program components:

Suggested Core Components

2 Pupil's Editions 6 Teacher Editions
2 Practice Books 1 Spelling Resource Book 6 Mentor Videos
Other Critical Resources
· Assessment Kit · ESL/ELD Resource Book
· Take-Home Practice Readers · Trade Books
· Selection Audiocassettes  
Each six-week Literacy Place unit is built around a Big Idea, a Mentor, and a Place. The sixth week is spent in a unit wrap-up and a final creative project.


Personal Voice

Problem Solving

What's New?
Big Idea We learn about our world through new experiences.
Mentor Wilderness Guide: Keith Jardine
Place Wilderness School
Project Anecdote
Big Plans
Big Idea Making and using plans can help us solve problems.
Mentor Architect: Jack Catlin
Place Construction Site
Project Floor Plan
On the Job
Big Idea Teams work best when they use each member's strengths to get the job done.
Mentor Art Director: Max Jerome
Place Ad Agency
Project Ad Campaign
Hit Series
Big Idea A creative idea can grow into a series.
Mentor Author & Illustrator: Joanna Cole & Bruce Degen See a sample of their mentor video.
Place Publishing Company
Project New Episode
Time Detectives
Big Idea Finding information in stories and artifacts brings the past to life.
Mentor Archaeologist: Dr. Ruben Mendoza
Place Archaeological Site
Project Time Capsule
Community Quilt
Big Idea In a community, some things continue and some things change.
Mentor Community Garden Director: Lorka Muñoz
Place Community Garden
Project Community Quilt
 For more information, call 1-800-SCHOLASTIC