Max Math's Adventure

Answers to Extra Challenges
  1. Most children will find 2 objects on people, including eyes, legs, arms, ears, feet, and hands. Others might also recognize 2 holes in the handle of scissors, 2 switches on a light plate, etc. Threes are a little harder to find — students will have to search. Some examples might be the prongs on a grounded plug, or the letters on each number on a keypad. Objects that come in 4's include legs on a table, legs on a chair, sides of a rug, and corners in the classroom. Invite children to work with a partner to find as many objects in 2's, 3's, or 4's as they can. You can also challenge them to search for things that come in 5's, 6's, 7's, and more.
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  2. Children should draw corresponding number of circles and stars to the rolls of the die. For example, if the student rolls a 5 first, she will draw five circles on the paper. If she rolls a 2 on the second roll, she will draw 2 stars in each of the five circles. She should then count up the total number of stars: 10. The children may be ready to make the connection to the algorithm, 5 x 2 = 10; however this is not a necessary part of the activity. Whether or not students make that connection, the experience still helps them begin to build an understanding of multiple groups — an essential part of multiplication.
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  3. There are 20 legs, 10 eyes, 10 ears, 5 tails, 15 spots.
    Some children will draw all 5 horses and then count the different body parts. Other children will use manipulatives to represent the different body parts. For example, a student could make five towers of two blocks each to represent the five sets of two eyes. The children may or may not make the connection to the algorithm 5 x 2 = 10 to represent the solution. Even if the algorithm is used, however, encourage the student to show another way of reaching the solution to help build a concrete understanding.
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