Max's Math Adventure

  Max's Math Adventures

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Ruth and I use our eyes
To look around
At things in town
And compare their size.


Size By Your Eyes

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We saw a HOUSE.
We saw a MOUSE.
We saw them with our eyes.
Can you figure
Which is bigger?
Or are they the same size?

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We saw a RAKE.
We saw a SNAKE.
We saw them with our eyes.
Here's an order:
Which one's shorter?
Or are they the same size?

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We saw a PAN.
We saw a FAN.
We saw them with our eyes.
Won't you holler —
Which one's smaller?
Or are they the same size?

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We saw a NICKEL.
We saw a PICKLE.
We saw them with our eyes.
Here's a riddle:
Which one's little?
Or are they the same size?

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Max's Challenge

Read the poem again. Each time Max asks about size, decide: Is one of the things smaller and one of the things larger? Or are they about the same size? Use the Activity Page to help you compare.

Your First Name:

Extra Challenges

Activity Page

More Math Adventures
Teacher's Guide

A house is:
A house is bigger than a mouse.
A house is smaller than a mouse.
A house is about the same size as a mouse.

A rake is:
A rake is shorter than a snake.
A rake is taller than a snake.
A rake is about the same size.

A pan is:
A pan is smaller than a fan.
A pan is bigger than a fan.
A pan is about the same size.

A nickel is:
A nickel is smaller than a pickle.
A nickel is bigger than a pickle.
A nickel is about the same size.