How It Works
Introduce the Strand
Show the Intro Video and engage the class in a discussion of the Essential Question.
How It Works
Introduce the
Lead BookShow the Preview Video from the web site, and engage the class in a discussion of the Big Idea using the Lead Book Teaching Card.
How It Works
Teach the
Lead BookUse the web site and Lead Book Teaching Card to teach the Lead Book. Distribute the appropriate Reader's Guide pages. After reading, direct students to complete the online Quiz for the Lead Book.
How It Works
Teach Stretch Texts
1 and 2Teach Stretch Text 1, related to the strand theme, and Stretch Text 2, related to the Lead Book. Have students do the accompanying Comprehension Checks.
How It Works
Introduce Reader's
Choice BooksInvite students to read one or more Reader's Choice Books independently or in small groups. Have students watch preview videos to help decide which book to choose.
How It Works
Use Class Chat
Encourage students to respond to prompts in Class Chat. This will get students thinking and writing about larger themes related to what they have read. Sample prompts are provided.
How It Works
Wrap Up the Strand
Wrap up the strand with Projects and the X-Challenge, a quiz-show-style activity where students can test their knowledge of a strand.