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Award-winning contemporary and classic books included in Math Reads address the range of math content at each grade level and support regular math instruction. The lessons provide students with opportunities to develop conceptual understanding and skills.

Books & Topics in Kindergarten
In Kindergarten, the books and lessons focus primarily on the critical topics of number sense and counting. There are also lessons on shapes, equations, and problem-solving.
Title | Topics |
...98, 99, 100! Ready or Not, Here I Come! | Counting, Place Value |
Balancing Act | Measurement, Weight |
Bear in a Square | Counting, Shapes |
Bears at the Beach | Counting, Equations |
Can You See What I See? | Counting, Problem Solving |
Counting Cockatoos | Counting, Place Value |
Cubes, Cones, Cylinders & Spheres | Counting, Shapes |
Deep in the Swamp | Counting, Equations |
The First Day of Winter | Counting, Algebraic Reasoning |
Five Little Ducks | Counting, Equations |
Handa's Hen | Counting, Problem Solving |
Happy Birthday, Hamster | Counting, Addition |
I'm the Biggest Thing in the Ocean | Counting, Length |
Math Fables | Addition, Equations |
One Monkey Too Many | Counting, Equations |
Over, Under & Through | Shapes, Problem Solving |
Perfect Square | Counting, Shapes |
Rooster's Off to See the World | Counting, Equations |
Snowballs | Counting, Problem Solving |
Teeth, Tails & Tentacles | Counting, Place Value |
Ten Little Fish | Counting, Equations |
Ten, Nine, Eight | Counting, Counting Backwards |
Ten on the Sled | Counting, Equations |
Ten Sly Piranhas | Counting Backwards, Addition & Subtraction |
Turtle Splash! | Counting Backwards, Addition |
Grade 1
Award-winning contemporary and classic books included in Math Reads address the range of math content at each grade level and support regular math instruction. The lessons provide students with opportunities to develop conceptual understanding and skills.

Books & Topics in Grade 1
The Grade 1 program includes an emphasis on the key grade-level concepts of addition and subtraction, as well as the development of problem-solving strategies. Books and lessons also focus on place value, patterns, and shapes.
Title | Topics |
Apple Countdown | Addition & Subtraction, Problem Solving |
The Baseball Counting Book | Graphs, Problem Solving |
Bean Thirteen | Odd & Even Numbers, Equations |
Big and Small, Room for All | Length, Problem Solving |
The Biggest Fish | Length, Problem Solving |
Christopher Counting | Counting, Place Value |
The Coin Counting Book | Money, Equations |
Count by Tens | Place Value, Equations |
Five Creatures | Skip Counting, Equations |
Five Little Monkeys Go Shopping | Addition & Subtraction, Equations |
Five Little Monkeys Play Hide-and-Seek | Counting, Patterns |
Handa's Surprise | Addition & Subtraction, Problem Solving |
Hannah's Collections | Addition, Estimation |
Little Pea | Place Value, Estimation |
The Name Jar | Graphs, Patterns |
Over in the Ocean | Addition, Graphing |
Pattern Fish | Angles & Lines, Patterns |
Quack and Count | Addition & Subtraction, Equations |
Ready, Set, 100th Day! | Place Value, Addition & Subtraction |
A Second Is a Hiccup | Time, Graphs |
The Shape of Things | Shapes, Patterns |
Shapes That Roll | Shapes, Patterns |
A Squash and a Squeeze | Addition & Subtraction, Shapes |
Teddy Bear Counting | Addition & Subtraction, Equations |
Two of Everything | Addition & Subtraction, Equations |
Grade 2
Award-winning contemporary and classic books included in Math Reads address the range of math content at each grade level and support regular math instruction. The lessons provide students with opportunities to develop conceptual understanding and skills.

Books & Topics in Grade 2
In Grade 2, place value, addition, and subtraction are important topics that are the major focus in the books, with attention also given to length, money, time, geometry, and more.
Title | Topics |
100 Ways to Celebrate 100 Days | Place Value, Measurement |
1001 Things to Spot in the Sea | Place Value, Addition |
Arithme-tickle | Odd & Even Numbers, Problem Solving |
Bees, Snails & Peacock Tails | Shapes, Patterns |
Centipede's 100 Shoes | Addition & Subtraction, Equations |
Even Steven and Odd Todd | Addition & Subtraction, Odd & Even Numbers |
A Fair Bear Share | Place Value, Addition |
The Five-Dog Night | Multiplication, Problem Solving |
Full House | Fractions, Shapes |
The Great Graph Contest | Addition & Subtraction, Graphs |
How Big Is a Foot? | Length, Problem Solving |
How the Second Grade Got $8,205.50 to Visit the Statue of Liberty |
Place Value, Money |
The King's Commissioners | Place Value, Addition |
Mailing May | Fractions, Time |
Math for All Seasons | Addition & Subtraction, Multiplication |
Measuring Penny | Addition & Subtraction, Length |
Missing Math | Place Value, Addition |
My Little Sister Ate One Hare | Patterns, Odd & Even Numbers |
One Is a Snail, Ten Is a Crab | Place Value, Addition |
One World, One Day | Fractions, Time |
Shapes, Shapes, Shapes | Shapes, Lines & Angles |
Six-Dinner Sid: A Highland Adventure | Multiplication, Patterns |
Start Saving, Henry! | Money, Problem Solving |
Ten Friends | Addition, Patterns |
Tyrannosaurus Math | Length, Equations |
Grade 3
Award-winning contemporary and classic books included in Math Reads address the range of math content at each grade level and support regular math instruction. The lessons provide students with opportunities to develop conceptual understanding and skills.

Books & Topics in Grade 3
Books in Grade 3 have a major focus on multiplication and division, key topics for the grade. There are also books and lessons that provide students experience with fractions, estimation, geometry, patterns, problem solving, and more.
Title | Topics |
1001 Bugs to Spot | Place Value, Multiplication |
17 Kings and 42 Elephants | Division, Problem Solving |
The 512 Ants on Sullivan Street | Place Value, Multiplication |
Amanda Bean’s Amazing Dream | Multiplication, Problem Solving |
The Best of Times | Multiplication, Equations |
Cheetah Math | Multiplication & Division, Graphs |
Fractions = Trouble! | Fractions, Problem Solving |
Go, Fractions! | Fractions, Problem Solving |
Grandfather Tang's Story | Fractions, Shapes |
Great Estimations | Estimation, Problem Solving |
The Greedy Triangle | Shapes, Lines & Angles |
How Much, How Many, How Far, How Heavy, How Long, How Tall Is 1000? | Place Value, Estimation |
How Tall, How Short, How Far Away? | Length, Estimation |
I Spy Shapes in Art | Shapes, Problem Solving |
Lucky Beans | Measurement, Estimation |
Making Cents | Money, Problem Solving |
Math Potatoes | Patterns, Problem Solving |
Millions to Measure | Length, Problem Solving |
Minnie's Diner | Multiplication, Patterns |
Patterns in Peru... | Patterns, Problem Solving |
A Remainder of One | Multiplication & Division, Problem Solving |
Shape Up! | Shapes, Lines & Angles |
Telling Time | Time, Problem Solving |
Three Pigs, One Wolf, and Seven Magic Shapes | Area & Perimeter, Shapes |
A Very Improbable Story | Probability, Problem Solving |
Grade 4
Award-winning contemporary and classic books included in Math Reads address the range of math content at each grade level and support regular math instruction. The lessons provide students with opportunities to develop conceptual understanding and skills.

Books & Topics in Grade 4
In Grade 4, the books and lessons provide multiple opportunities for problem solving in multiplication, division, and fractions. Attention is also given to additional fourth-grade topics, including lines and angles, symmetry, and the application of place-value understanding.
Title | Topics |
The Big One-Oh | Multiplication & Division, Problem Solving |
The Cat in Numberland | Place Value, Patterns |
Full Count | Place Value, Equations |
G Is for Googol | Place Value, Patterns |
The Great Divide | Multiplication & Division, Problem Solving |
Greater Estimations | Estimation, Problem Solving |
Growing Patterns | Patterns, Problem Solving |
Guinness World Records: Wild Lives | Graphs, Problem Solving |
How Big Is It? | Measurement, Problem Solving |
The I Hate Mathematics! Book | Patterns, Problem Solving |
The Lion's Share | Patterns, Equations |
A Million Dots | Multiplication, Estimation |
A Million Fish... More or Less | Patterns, Problem Solving |
Mystery Math | Algebraic Reasoning, Equations |
One Hen | Equations, Problem Solving |
One Riddle, One Answer | Multiplication & Division, Problem Solving |
Piece = Part = Portion | Fractions, Problem Solving |
Racing Around | Multiplication, Area & Perimeter |
Seeing Symmetry | Symmetry, Shapes |
Spaghetti and Meatballs for All! | Patterns, Problem Solving |
Tiger Math | Graphs, Problem Solving |
Usborne Illustrated Elementary Math Dictionary |
Patterns, Problem Solving |
The Warlord's Puzzle | Shapes, Lines & Angles |
What's Your Angle, Pythagoras? | Shapes, Lines & Angles |
Working With Fractions | Fractions, Problem Solving |
Grade 5
Award-winning contemporary and classic books included in Math Reads address the range of math content at each grade level and support regular math instruction. The lessons provide students with opportunities to develop conceptual understanding and skills.

Books & Topics in Grade 5
The Grade 5 books and lessons introduce students to more complex topics such as equations and patterns, and present opportunities for higher-level thinking, reasoning, and problem solving. The lessons also provide students experience with multiple forms of measurement and coordinate graphing.
Title | Topics |
Anno's Mysterious Multiplying Jar | Multiplication, Patterns |
Blockhead | Patterns, Roman Numerals |
Can You Count to a Googol? | Place Value, Multiplication & Division |
Chasing Vermeer | Shapes, Problem Solving |
The Fly on the Ceiling | Coordinate Graphing, Problem Solving |
Frankie Pickle and the Mathematical Menace | Multiplication, Fractions |
The Great Number Rumble | Shapes, Patterns |
Guinness World Records: Ultimate Machines | Length, Time |
Hottest, Coldest, Highest, Deepest | Multiplication & Division, Problem Solving |
How Strong Is It? | Multiplication & Division, Problem Solving |
If Dogs Were Dinosaurs | Multiplication & Division, Length |
If the World Were a Village | If the World Were a Village |
The Man Who Walked Between the Towers | Equations, Problem Solving |
Math Appeal | Patterns, Equations |
Math Dictionary | Length, Problem Solving |
Math for Smarty Pants | Patterns, Problem Solving |
Multiplying Menace | Multiplication, Fractions |
One Grain of Rice | Patterns, Problem Solving |
Pennies for Elephants | Place Value, Multiplication & Division |
Polly's Pen Pal | Measurement, Problem Solving |
Skyscraper | Weight, Problem Solving |
Super Bowl Super Touchdowns | Length, Weight |
Swirl by Swirl | Multiplication, Patterns |
Time Zones | Time, Problem Solving |
Wilma Unlimited | Graphs, Problem Solving |