Grades 4-12
Increase Reading Achievement with Engaged Reading
John Guthrie reminds us that too many students are disengaged from literacy which leads to mediocre reading comprehension and content knowledge. Participants will explore the research on reading engagement and the link to reading achievement. Discover best practices for increasing reading comprehension through sustained, engaged reading in all content areas.
Grades 6-12
Building a Classroom Community of Readers and Writers
How can secondary teachers build a classroom of engaged, thoughtful readers and writers? This workshop will share best practices for creating a reading and writing workshop for older students. Participants will explore how to build a classroom community with culturally responsive teaching that utilizes literacy collaboratives to engage students in meaningful reading and writing experiences.
Mediating Enabling Texts with Disengaged Teens
This workshop will explore Dr. Tatum’s research on the characteristics of enabling text and how to mediate critical discussion of engaging fiction and nonfiction. Participants will explore how to utilize essential questions to engage students within four platforms for literacy: define self, become resilient, engage others, and build capacity. Participants will also learn how to organize instruction around the literacy platforms and engage students in strategies to discuss enabling texts.
(Re)Connecting Adolescent Males to Reading
This workshop will explore the alarming trends of adolescent males and literacy and how teachers can create a classroom climate to reconnect males to reading. Participants will explore the ten archetypes of masculinity and how to incorporate those with engaging multicultural young adult literature. Discover how to re-engage males with text through independent reading, book clubs, and inquiry circles.
Strengthening Adolescent Writers with Mentor Texts
How is it that adolescent voices can be so loud in the classroom, yet so quiet on paper? Learn how to use mentor texts to strengthen adolescent writers. This session will explore the pillars of writing success and how to use mentor texts for writing craft mini-lessons that inspire revision rather than recopying. Experience how students can evaluate writing for voice, vision and craft, and apply those standards to their own and others’ writing.