Being able to read complex text independently, fluently, and proficiently is essential for high achievement in college and the workplace. Yet research shows that current standards, curriculum, and instructional practice have not done enough to foster the independent reading so crucial for college and career readiness, particularly in the case of informational text.
Grades K-12
Increasing Reading Achievement with the Common Core Standards (Administrators)
In this workshop, administrators will explore the latest research on the Common Core State Standards and understand what the standards should look like in the classroom. Learn how schools can increase reading achievement with strategies and resources that improve students’ ability to comprehend literary and informational texts of increasing complexity.
Creating Proficient Readers with the Common Core Standards (Teachers)
In this workshop, teachers will explore the latest research on the Common Core State Standards and Text Complexity and learn best practices that improve students’ ability to comprehend literary and informational texts of increasing complexity. In addition, participants will experience strategies to foster evidence-based readers and thinkers in all content areas.