All children face challenges when learning to read, but all children can discover the joy of books and be successful at reading. That's why WiggleWorks is packed with thoughtfully designed support for all students.

Struggling Readers
Many struggling readers lack exposure to books at home and need extra help to understand even the most basic aspects of reading, such as tracking words from left to right and top to bottom. With WiggleWorks software, teachers can choose how text is read and highlighted by the narrator in order to appropriately support students as they develop tracking skills and fluency.

English-Language Learners
All children, including English-Language Learners, benefit from listening to the same story multiple times, hearing new words repeated, and seeing pictures that make words more meaningful. Whenever students need to hear a word or a story one more time, WiggleWorks is there.

Universal Design Criteria
• Alternative representations of information
• Multiple options for expression and control
• Multiple options for engagement

WiggleWorks Features
• Customizable options for text size, background color, recorded sound, and graphics
• Screen keyboard
• Single-switch scanning
• Talking buttons
• Read-aloud options, such as word-by-word or line-by-line
• Reading, writing, bookmaking

Special Needs Students
Special needs students who face either cognitive or physical challenges benefit from WiggleWorks software. WiggleWorks was created in consultation with the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) — CAST specializes in designing multimedia curriculum that uses the principles of Universal Design to provide a flexible and customizable environment for all students.