Example: Set the Stage for Read-Aloud

Mrs. L.: Samantha, why don't you move a little closer so that you can see the pictures more easily. You'll want to be able to see every page of Steven Kellogg's illustrations of Chicken Little.

Lauren: I don't think Collin and Sam should sit beside each other, they'll probably end up talking and I really want to hear this book. It's one of my favorites.

Mrs. L.: Collin and Sam, think about Lauren's reminder, please (Collin moves away from Sam). Ben, would you please turn off a row of lights.

Ben: Sure. I'll put the "Read-Aloud-in-Progress" sign on the door, too.

Mrs. L.: Thank you. Before I begin reading, I want you to take a good look at this "wanted poster" on the inside cover and at the picture of the poultry truck on the title page. You might see this character in disguise somewhere else in the story....

Stephanie: I already did and I know who it is!

Mrs. L.: Smile if you think you know who this character is.... Remember to keep your ideas inside your mind while I am reading the story so that others can form their own ideas, too. After I finish reading, we'll take time to talk about all of your ideas.

Ben: I'll give you a hint right now...poultry is chicken.

Mrs. L.: That's a good hint, Ben.

Mrs. L.: How many of you have heard a story about a little chicken who thinks the sky is falling down on top of her?

Elizabeth: But it wasn't the sky that fell on her, it was a nut or something.

Anna: An acorn.

Mrs. L.: Right!

Alex: Then a fox wants to eat the poor little chicken.

Tori: I think he wants to eat the duck and a turkey, too.

Mrs. L.: I'm glad so many of you are familiar with this story. I have my favorite version of this story to share with you today. It's the story of Chicken Little retold and illustrated by Steven Kellogg. Listen to find out just what happened to Chicken Little and her friends the day an acorn hit her on the head and made her think the sky was falling....