
Talita DeNegri
Northeast Academy for Health Sciences and Engineering
3100 North Kelley
Oklahoma City, OK 73111

English, 10–11

Click on the questions to hear Talita DeNegri's interview at the State Teacher of the Year conference. You must have a Real Player to listen to the interview. If you do not have a Real Player, click on the Real Player graphic:

1) What is one thing that needs to change in order to keep quality teachers in the profession?

What is the one tip or suggestion that you wish someone had given to you prior to your first year of teaching?


Talita DeNegri, 2001
State Teacher of the Year, Oklahoma
Talita DeNegri was named the Oklahoma Teacher of the Year for 2001. At Northeast Academy in Oklahoma City, DeNegri teaches AP and Pre-AP English to highly motivated 10th and 11th grade students. Using her Hispanic background, DeNegri uses stories from her own life to instill within her students a "no excuses" way of approaching life. She fosters within them an attitude of determination and strong work ethic. Students find Mrs. "D's" classes a favorite because of how she relates classical and contemporary literature to life's situations. Literature becomes important and relevant to the students' lives. Because AP is so important to Mrs. DeNegri, she has made it a point to incorporate AP components into her grade-level English courses. She even advocates introducing middle school students to modified Advanced Placement elements. DeNegri believes in erasing the notion that only smart kids can learn with AP courses.  

Scholastic is the proud corporate sponsor of the National Teacher of the Year Program.