91/11/2001: The Day That Changed America
A Visual History of 9/11 Events Offers Hope for the Future
Article by Karen Fanning

A Nation Challenged is full of New York Times photographs.

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September 11, 2001: A moment in history no American will soon forget. It is memorable not just because it was a horrible act of terrorism, but also because of the countless acts of kindness that united our nation in the aftermath.

To celebrate that American spirit, Scholastic and the New York Times are publishing A Nation Challenged: A Visual History of 9/11 and Its Aftermath, Young Reader's Edition.

Editors at Scholastic, the New York Times and Calloway Books combed through the hundreds of pages of the Times coverage of 9/11, and selected images and articles that were appropriate for a young audience. A Nation Challenged is a result of that work.

Firefighters embrace. (Photo courtesy of Ruth Fremson/The New York Times)
The book also includes stories of unity and cooperation: Americans volunteering, sharing grief, honoring victims, and building memorials. In its pages, young readers will find answers to questions about the Taliban, Afghanistan, and anthrax, among other topics.

As the first anniversary approaches, many American kids and teenagers are still looking to do their part to help our nation heal. The book's appendix provides information that will assist readers who are interested in pitching in.

In his introduction to the book, Howell Raines, executive editor of the New York Times, sums up the objective of A Nation Challenged. "The pictures and text in this book are a record of our changed world — the world in which this newspaper and its readers live," he says. "This book is our tribute to those who did not live through these last turbulent months, a faithful record of the world they did not live to see."