The Bush Agenda

The Environment

Campaign Finance

Tax Cut


School Safety

Foreign Affairs

What Do You Think?


If You Were President

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The Bush Presidency

President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush are presented with paper figures from Illinois Governor George Ryan (left) and his wife, Lura Lynn Ryan (right), on February 25, 2002. AP photo.

The Bush Agenda
From the tax cut to Social Security to prescription drugs, Scholastic News examines the key elements of Bush's agenda for the nation.

The Environment
Bush backs off on his promise to toughen emission standards and wants to drill for oil in the Alaska wilderness. Follow the changes Bush is making in the nation's environmental policy and in his campaign promises.

Campaign Finance
An old foe renews his battle on campaign finance. Read about Senator John McCain's battle with the President for his pet cause.

Tax Cut
Some say it's too much; some say it's not enough. Bush says his proposed $1.6 trillion tax cut is just right. You be the judge.

Bush promised more money to build schools and pay teachers. Some people say he is actually cutting education funds. Which is true?

School Safety
Several more school shootings have made headlines. How has the new administration responded?

Foreign Affairs
A spy plane is captured by the Chinese, violence in the Middle East is back in the news, and trouble has erupted again in the Balkans. Will Bush be able to continue his hands-off policy toward foreign affairs?

Bush has been in office for over a year. How do you think he is doing so far? Vote in our poll!

If You Were President Game
You make the decisions! Plan your own budget and see what the reporters have to say about your administration.
